Short Story Comics


Start Date






End Date


Meeting Day




This online course features the following types of interaction:

  • Live meetings
  • Live critiques

There is a long tradition in short story comics and learning how to do it is a great way to hone your craft and build your audience. Learn to use the constraints of limited story space to create engaging and surprising short comics. In this class we’ll learn how to entice the reader, deliver a punchline, and create short stories that feel bigger than they are. Students can bring whatever genre or interest they want to these stories. Just keep it short! 


This class meets online using Zoom.

Interested in Comic Arts? This class is part of the Visual Storytelling and Comic Arts Certificate!

$575 Workshop

$575 Workshop and Enroll in Certificate Program

Only choose one option.

Choose the Workshop button to register and pay for only the class or choose the Workshop and Enroll in Certificate button to register and pay for the class and also enroll in the certificate program.

Jerel Dye

Jerel Dye has illustrated wo graphic novels; Pigs Might Fly in 2017, and Einstein in 2022, listed as one of the top 10 graphic novels of the year by ALA Booklist. He has been creating art and comics since 2005, producing dozens of self-published mini comics and creating comics stories for anthologies such as Inbound, Minimum Paige, Hellbound, and the award … Read more