Judy Dunaway

Judy Dunaway has presented her works created with MaxMSPJitter in numerous performances and exhibitions throughout the U.S. and Europe.  She presented her work with Max at Cycling‘74‘s Expo’74 conference in April 2019.  She has a Ph.D. in music composition from Stony Brook University, where her focus was intermedia and electronic works.  She has an M.A. in with emphasis in experimental music composition from Wesleyan University where her primary mentor was Alvin Lucier.  She also has a MaxMSPJitter certificate from Harvestworks in New York City.  She is an advocate for women in technology and a co-founder of MaxMSPJitter Women Boston meet-up. She has been a composer and multimedia artist for over 30 years.  For more information go to her website: www.judydunaway.com

Judy Dunaway is teaching the following courses:

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