Architectural Design 1


Start Date





Tower 405

End Date


Meeting Day

Tuesdays and Thursdays



This course provides an introduction to architectural design as a social art that emphasizes form relevant to use, and design with an appreciation of site, landscape, and materials. The course is foundational, using observation of existing built environments to support basic design skills through families of form, attending to the relationship of a building within a place, and using construction frameworks including stick frame and post and beam. Students tackle design programs that include a variety of sizes engaging realms of public and private that focus on interior and exterior built places. All students interested in developing knowledge in architectural design are welcome.

This class meets on campus in person.

Paul Hajian

Paul Hajian has been teaching and practicing architecture for more than 25 years. He is president of and principal architect in Hajian Architects Incorporated, an architectural, engineering, and planning firm with responsibility for the design and execution of contracts for public, private, and institutional clients. He holds a BS (Art & Design) and an MA … Read more

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