Digital Photo Books: Print on Demand


Start Date






End Date


Meeting Day




This online course features the following types of interaction:

  • Live meetings
  • Live critiques

This digital books intensive class guides students through the process of creating professional-level print-on-demand books using the Adobe Lightroom Classic book module and its seamless integration with Blurb Books digital print-on-demand service. Beginning with a personal collection of digital image files, students design and edit artist books in Adobe Lightroom Classic, and upload for print production via Blurb. From photo books to exhibition catalogs, artist portfolios to illustrated poetry books, a range of projects are suited to this format. Topics covered include digital post-production, image sequencing, book design and layout techniques, and text integration. In addition to technical demonstrations, students view examples of contemporary artist and photography books and critique work-in-progress. Between group meetings, students schedule 1:1 sessions with the instructor for personalized skill-building and feedback. Basic experience with digital imaging and Adobe Lightroom Classic is encouraged, but students who are new to Adobe imaging software may register in advance for access to tutorial videos and handouts providing foundational skills to be applied during the class.

This online class uses Zoom.

Digital Media Certificate
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This class has already begun.

Rebecca Morrison

Rebecca Morrison is a multimedia artist whose practice incorporates photography, video, and installation. She has worked as a commercial photographer, photo and video editor, and arts educator for students of all ages, and has taught at New England College in New Hampshire and Boston Public Schools Summer Programs. She currently teaches undergraduate and graduate courses … Read more