Introduction to Woodworking


Start Date





DMC D004 (Collins Woodshop)

End Date


Meeting Day




Beginners are welcome to join this introduction to machine woodworking and shop safety in MassArt’s well-equipped woodshop. Build confidence with woodworking equipment and gain a deeper understanding of the science of wood as a material. Practice working with technical drawings and build hands-on experience with the chop saw, bandsaw, jointer, table saw, router, drill press, hand drills, and power sanders. Students mill rough lumber and cut joinery to make a cherry serving tray with brass hardware. 
Please bring your own safety glasses. All other tools and materials are provided. 
Attendance is important. Please be prepared to attend all class meetings and safety demos. There are no make-up classes. 
Notes about safety: 
Wear close-toed shoes or boots. 
Tie long hair back.
No loose, dangly clothes like drawstrings, scarves, loose sleeves, etc.
Please leave all jewelry at home.
This class qualifies as a prerequisite for Furniture 1.

We urge you, if you are able, to be fully up-to-date on vaccinations, including boosters. Available vaccination sites can be found here.

This class has already begun.

Heather Dawson

Heather Dawson is a working furniture designer, journeyman cabinetmaker, woodworking instructor and alumna of the Certificate in Furniture Design, Massachusetts College of Art and Design and North Bennet Street School, Boston, MA.

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