Building A One By Chair


Start Date





DMC 004

End Date


Meeting Day

Saturday and Sunday



The “one by chair” is a method for building simple furniture, based on the Italian furniture designer Enzo Mari. Mari wanted to create simple designs that everyone could make with basic tools and lumber. Participants begin by looking at Mari’s designs and using them as inspiration to create their own chair, with drawings and models. Then, on the second day, we begin building and assembling the chair. Everyone leaves with a finished piece of furniture. This class uses the bandsaw, drills and the miter saw.

This class meets in person in the DMC (Design and Media Center) Woodshop.

This class has ended.

Oliver Strand

Oliver Strand is a woodworker, writer and educator. He teaches in the Sculpture and Foundations Departments at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and builds wooden chairs by hand in Gloucester, MA. His work has been exhibited at 10b Projects, Various Small Fires, Adams and Ollman, Soloway Gallery and the ICA Boston.

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